On the pinkies, I painted the German flag, using Mellow Yellow, from Sally Hansen, Wocka Wocka from OPI and Black Satin from Rimmel London. The ring fingers are the London 2012 logo and the Olympic rings. The gold is Amazon's Flash from L'Oreal and the colours are acrylics. My middle fingers are the Canadian flag, painted with Whirlwind White, Sally Hansen and Wocka Wocka. Finally, my pointer fingers are the Slovenian flag. They're painted with Wocka Wocka, the blue is Yoga-ta Get This Blue by OPI, Whirlwind White and acrylics.
Have you been watching the Olympics? What's your favourite part?

This is awesome! I did a similar look like your ring fingers but on the rest of my mani was a bunch of different flags of countries competing (including Canada! Lol) Once again, great job!